UKPW Blizzard Brawl II

UKPW Blizzard Brawl II

Match 1

Singles Match

Rayne Leverkusen defeats Amira by pinfall

Match 2

Tag Team Match

The 87 (Alexander Roth/Roy Johnson) defeat God's Plan (Harrison Leon/Tony Sin) by pinfall

Match 3

Singles Match

Bullit defeats Kieron Lacey by pinfall

Match 4

Singles Match

Kira Chimera defeats Evie Madden by pinfall, retaining the UKPW Women's Championship

Match 5

Singles Match

"The Law" Louis Basham defeats Devious Danny by pinfall

Match 6

Singles Match

'Just' Joe Lando defeats 'The Suplex Merchant' Alf Edwards by pinfall

Main Event

Singles Match

Safire Reed defeats 'The Kid Without Fear' Danny Black by pinfall, retaining the UKPW Inter-Regional Championship by pinfall

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