'Mr Hollywood' Shane Stevens, 'The Brixton Punk' Sam Irvine & Alexander Roth defeat Erin Smith, Layton Cole & CJ Gunner by pinfall
UKPW Caged kicked off with a barn-burner: 6 top competitors faced off in an exhibition bout. Ultimately, the trio of Stevens, Irvine & Roth prevailed.
Scott Star defeats Damon Moser by pinfall
A competitive contest between two of the fastest rising stars in the country. Moser took an early advantage using the referee as leverage, but Star fought back and hit his ever impressive Wrecking Ball senton finisher to secure the victory.
Sammy Smooth defeats Theodore Powers by pinfall
Powers was in top form during the matchup, keeping Smooth on his toes throughout. In a stroke of villainous genius, Smooth took advantage of a momentary distraction to the referee by smacking Powers with a guitar smooth brought to ringside. Smooth was boo'ed and heckled out of the building.
'Hitman' Gabe Myers & Steve Manelli defeath 'Trashman' Marcus Broome & The Nail by cage escape
This contest was set during their heated confrontation at the Medway Comic & Screening festival. And neither team held back in this brutal encounter. Both members of a team needed to exit the cage to win the match. The Nail escaped first. Then Steve Manelli. As Trashman was looking to exit through the cage door, Manelli shut the door on Broome's face, allowing Myers to quickly escape and pick up the victory for the duo.
Kyle Ashmore defeats Dow Jones by pinfall
The rivalry between Ashmore and Dow Jones built up for over a year. FINALLY Dow had nowhere to run. Once the cage door was locked, the contest was underway. Ashmore showed fire in the opening minutes, taking out months of frustration on Dow! Every inch of the cage was utilised as a weapon. Even Senior Official Martin Raymondson took was knocked down as a result of a dodged knee strike from Ashmore. The closing sequence of the match created UKPW's most viewed and talked about moment ever: With Dow Jones tied up in the turnbuckle, Ashmore leaps from the top of the cage driving both of his feet into Dow's chest!!!! And with that, Ashmore won one of UKPW's most exciting bouts and cemented himself at the winner of their rivalry.
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